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Building – Choithram Fountain Higher Secondary School


There is a brilliant person locked in every child. In the complete story of an individual’s life he demonstrates wonderful traits in him at the beginning of his life, middle of his life, or at the end of his life. We believe, this suggests not judging or tag the child; it is just to be with him. The child should be helped to discover and rediscover himself. He needs a congenial atmosphere to allow him to decide what is right & wrong and what is good and bad from his own experiences.

Love & trust foster individuality in the child; to be himself and grow to his fullest potential through a series of successes & failures. The once lies on Parents & Teachers to help this happen in child’s life by facilitating the child to find wonderful moments in life and make the best out of it. In the pursuit of excellence Anand Vihar School with this strong contention is moving ahead. Anand Vihar School is a unique institution of its own kind in Bhopal city. With the fast commercialization of education world, “Vanita Samaj”, the parent body of Anand Vihar School is running the school without being commercialized. It is fully committed to the objectives enshrined in the Preamble of our Indian-Constitution and is a great source of inspiration to us. We salute to their self less untiring services. We are marching towards a better world at the threshold of 50th Anniversary of SCHOOL.