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Career – Choithram Fountain Higher Secondary School



Teaching is considered to be the noblest profession among all others.

At Choithram Fountain Higher Secondary School, we provide cordial atmosphere of working with appropriate appreciation for hard work, dedication and result oriented performance of Teachers.

Choithram Fountain Higher Secondary Schoolis looking for well trained, qualified and preferably experienced teachers, with computer proficiency, excellent communication skills and knowledge of co-curricular activities. Interested candidates are requested to apply through prescribed form which is available at our school office between 09:00am to 02:00pm on all working days or can be downloaded through this link (Job Application Form) and submit their detailed resume with photocopies of all educational & professional qualification and past experience.

Candidates can also submit their resume at:


Required Qualifications: Candidate must have a brilliant academic record with a

  • Master degree + B.Ed. for PGT/ TGT Posts
  • Bachelor’s degree + B.Ed. for PRT
  • B.P.Ed. for PET.
  • Montessori Training or NTT for Kindergarten

Necessary Skills & Attitude: Ability to reach out to pupils, involvement in remedial teaching & after-school activities, holistic approach to teaching-learning & pastoral care.

The teachers at KNHSS constantly, update themselves on teaching/ learning styles that would sensitively and effectively meet the requirements of the children.