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School Trips – Choithram Fountain Higher Secondary School

School Trips

At Kamla Nehru we believe that students should be exposed to a variety of activities and field trips as it is an essential tool for hands-on learning. Educational school trips that form a part of the school curriculum are very valuable as they provide the students the opportunity of learning through travel, especially to places that they may not otherwise get to visit. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to take a break from the classroom lecture and to have some fun and excitement in an entirely new environment while learning at the same time. New environment means new challenges that awaken students’ interest to learn and get new learning information. It also provides a chance for the teacher to observe and interact with the student in a structure different from and more informal than the classroom. School field trip is an effective educational activity for students that helps facilitate fast and efficient learning method. The school organises visits to a variety of cultural institutions, including art, natural history, and science museums, as well as theatres, zoos, and historical sites.Educational Visits are organized every year to enhance the knowledge of students in different fields.